Worship and Arts

Main Worship
The musical worship time at CCF is best described as contemporary. We enjoy fast as well as contemplative songs; new and old music alike are used during our corporate worship times. Many original songs written by the members of our worship team are also incorporated into our worship times. Clapping, lifting hands, singing a new song, flags and banners are all ways we express our love to the Lord as we sing.

The CCF Worship Teams are made up of men, women and teens who love to sing and use their musical gifts to lead God’s people into worship. We are blessed with leaders of varying styles who spend time praying and choosing music to glorify the Lord each week. The Teams are honored to minister to the Lord and His people.

Little Bitties
The CCF Nursery Ministry is available for newborns to toddlers up to age three. The children are cared for in a brightly decorated area with lots of toys, books and love. The nursery is offered as a ministry. You are more than welcome to keep your babies and toddlers with you in the service. If they become fussy or talkative you are welcome to enjoy the message via video feed in the nursery room.

Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids, the children’s church ministry at CCF, is fun and full of Truth. Many of the teachers have known their students since the kids were babies and they love to welcome new children each week. The children are taught the Truth of the Word unapologetically and with much love. Classes are available for ages three to grade 7. Your children are welcome to stay in the service with you as well.
