Local Missions

Ethan Maynard

Chaplain Ethan Maynard
serves as chaplain for Geauga County Jail through the ministry of Good News Jail & Prison Ministry.  We are blessed to be able to support Chaplain Ethan in his calling. If you wish to contact Ethan go here, and then go to the Ohio section.

Dean & Jen Carlos

Dean and Jen Carlo
of Youth for Christ have served teens since May of 1999. Their desire to reach teens is grounded in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” CCF has seen the fruit of their labors and is honored to be able to sow into their ministry each month.

Crave 631:
CCF joins with Youth for Christ Cleveland and six local churches to create one BIG youth ministry in Chardon, promoting unity in the Body of Christ and reaching out to unchurched and unsaved youth in our city.

The vision for Crave 631 Youth Ministries is to invite youth to experience God, provide insight and growth into their relationship with God and ignite their faith in God into action in their community.

Crave 631 meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:31 p.m. at Chardon Assembly of God on Chardon Square.  For more information, visit Crave’s Facebook page.
