Dear Friends,
Thank you for your partnership in the jail ministry! I really appreciate your faithful prayers and support.
Golf Event Recap
The 3rd Annual Golf Classic at Fowler's Mill was an outstanding success! We had a full house (course) with 144 golfers and everybody had a good time. I had an opportunity to say hello and fellowship with ministry partners whom I don't get the chance to see very often. $24,000 was raised for the ministry. Most importantly, Jesus Christ was magnified and everybody in attendance heard the gospel. The Lord also held off the rain for us, which was a major answer to prayer. For the second consecutive year, it stayed dry the whole day, then started raining just as we were leaving for the evening. I got a solid dose of deja-vu and a bit soaked as I was walking out to my car. I want to offer my deepest thanks to all who sponsored the event and thanks to my Chaplain Support Team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Finally, I want to offer special thanks to John and Gail Park, who set up and ran the event and went above and beyond the call of duty to bless me.
Even if the Bible had nothing specific say regarding drug use, the principle is clearly implicit from Scripture that abusing drugs is sinful. We are to honor God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Moreover, being drunk with alcohol is at odds with living by the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18). However, many people don't realize that the Bible does directly address drug use!
Galatians 5:20 & Revelation 18:23 share the Greek word pharmakeia. In both passages it is translated "sorcery" (ESV) or "witchcraft" (NKJV). In the original Greek context pharmakeia is much more generic; it simply meant "drug use." Phamakeia is the root of terms pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceuticals. Just as the term drugs is generic in English, (we have drug stores after all), the Greeks used pharmakeia to describe anything from medicines to psychoactive, to poisons. Archaeologists have discovered that opium, hemp, and other mind altering drugs were prevalent in the first century, much more prevalent than we probably realize. In the first century, hallucinogenic drugs were often used as potions along with black magic and spells, in fortune telling, and in all sorts of pagan temple practices. With these occult ties the term "sorcery" was a good translation fit, but sorcery loses some of its clarity in our modern context. The sorcerers wielding the drugs aren't really doing anything supernatural - it's all about deception and manipulating others, yet they are opening the door for demonic oppression. The Apostle Paul puts pharmakeia next to idolatry and sexual immorality in Galatian 5:20, which are others sins that link to occult spiritual practices. Drug use is a sin that leaves you vulnerable to demonic attack. When a person's mind is turned off to God and His authority and opened to whatever chemicals may do to the brain, it is a dark spiritual transaction.
Pharmakos (Rev. 9:21; 21:8, 22:15), translated "sorcerers," were people that drugged people and tricked them with illusions. It could easily be translated as "drug dealer." Sorcerers who oppressed people in the Old Testament were condemned as well (2 Kings 9:22; Isaiah 47:9, 12; Micah 5:12). So, summing it up, a good translation for pharmakeia in our context is drug abuse.
Obviously, pharmakeia is a major issue that inmates face. I estimate that 75-80% of the inmates that I work with come into the jail on drug-related charges. The fatal overdose rate in our state and country is skyrocketing. We know that drug use becomes all-consuming in an addict's life, altering their brain function, brain structure, and ability to handle real life and relationships. Many inmates have confessed to me that they've turned to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate, to cope with the pain and depression in their lives. My aim is to point them to Jesus Christ, because only the Savior can bring spiritual healing and a renewed mind.
A Brief Covid Hiatus
We had another Covid outbreak in the jail about one week into August. That kept me and the volunteers from doing face-to-face ministry for a few weeks. However, I'm happy to report that we have returned to active status. During the hiatus, I was still able to use my office and get materials to the inmates through the officers. I also had some good spiritual conversations with a number of the officers, so I praise God for those opportunities.
Prayer Requests
1. Please pray for inmates to fully surrender their lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior.
2. Please pray that the Lord would continue to give me opportunities to bless the corrections officers and share the Gospel with them.
3. Pray for Good News chaplains in Ukraine. Pray that God would continue to strengthen them mightily and that He would continue to use the tragedy of war as an open door for the Gospel.
4. Please pray for genuine repentance of this nation. Rebellion towards God always has a ripple effect. The drug culture and mental illness are issues and especially impact the jail.
God is working powerfully through your prayers and partnership in this ministry!
Serving the King,